Invest, Enjoy, Sell contemporary art

Artwork carousel

Newest artworks selected by Arthentico

Artworks from Ukrainian artists selected by Arthentico

Artists to look out for

(Artists sorted by highest value increase since being signed by Arthentico)

Iryna Depko

Art’s Value increase

66,6 %

joined dec 23

Michael Wegerer

Art’s Value increase

26,3 %

joined jan 22

Sofiia Bortnikova

Art’s Value increase

14,0 %

joined dec 23

Why invest in art via Arthentico?

Cultivating a trusted and dependable marketplace, Arthentico is dedicated to delivering precise and knowledgeable appraisals of art's intrinsic worth. This is accomplished through the harmonious integration of data analysis, expert viewpoints, and historical data, resulting in the development of a comprehensive valuation framework that inspires unshakable market confidence.

Arthentico Members


Avg. worth increase of our portfolio



$ 290.000

How does Arthentico operate?

1. We identify promising artists:

We continually monitor the latest developments in the art market to identify emerging artists where we see great potential for value appreciation.

2. Enjoy artwork selection

Promising artists will be added to our platform with selected works that you can easily purchase through our website.

3. Monitor your portfolio & savor your artworks.

After purchase, your artwork and certificate of authenticity will be delivered to your home. You will have the capability to monitor its valuation within your Arthentico Investment Portfolio.

4. Re-sell anytime you want

If you wish to re-sell the artwork you bought through us, you can use our "Arthentico Infinity Home" platform, which charges a mere 8% commission fee, six times lower than the market standard.

Supported by:

Press coverage

Arthenticos first Group exhibition

The water tower will soon host an exhibition of Ukrainian art

An Evening Between Melody and Painting on Pfeilgasse

Arthentico first solo exhibition

Start your journey into art investing with your free consulting session.

Member portfolio area

Blurred image showing features coming soon in 2024
Iris Kienzl and Maciej Pajak presenting


  • At Arthentico, we always focus on quality over quantity. Our admissions process is highly selective and our art historian works closely with us to choose talented artists. If you would like to learn more about our selection process, you can find detailed information here: (Link)

  • The number of new artists can vary from month to month, but on average we introduce about five new artists per month. However, it is very important to us that the quality of our selection is always maintained. Therefore, we only include artists who meet our strict quality criteria.

  • On our website, right at the top of the homepage, you will find a list of three artists whose works have increased in value the most since they joined our platform.

  • The artworks are shipped directly from the artist to you. The delivery time varies depending on where the artwork is received. In Europe, it usually takes about one week for your work to reach you after it has been sent. In countries outside Europe it may take a little longer. When you check out, you will be informed about your possible shipping options.

  • At Arthentico we work closely with our artists and in many cases know them personally. When you purchase a work through Arthentico, you will receive a certificate personally signed by the artist, which will be sent to you together with the artwork. This guarantees the authenticity of the artwork.

  • Within one working day of purchase, we will email you a document with recommendations on how to care for the artwork. In addition to the delivery, you will also receive printed instructions to help you keep the work in perfect condition.

  • Since August 2023, we have made it possible for you to resell works you have already purchased from us on our platform via "Arthentico Infinity Home". Here you can find detailed instructions on how our resell process works: (Link)

  • Getting started in art investing is exciting, but there are risks involved. At Arthentico, we always monitor current trends and offer investment strategies to help you. If you are interested in investing in art, we have set up a special section on our website that provides comprehensive information and advice on the subject:(Link)

  • As soon as an artist's work that you have invested in increases in price, you will be notified both by email and in your personal account (portfolio) about the increase in value.